Even more detailed explanation for those who want to know more and more precisely.
Acupuncture, moxibustion and their origin
Acupuncture and moxibustion are natural medical healing methods that are already known worldwide. They are used in many hospitals and medical practices used since 1997 by the NIH (National Institutes of Health) officially declared in America with scientific research and good results Has, that the Acupuncture is medically effective against many diseases and symptoms. After that, the WHO (World Health Organization) acupuncture recognized as medically effective, and it set the tone in 2006 in setting the international acupuncture point codes.
The origin of acupuncture and moxibustion is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which was introduced 2600 years ago size Geniuses in ancient China was developed. The medical theory and practice in Asia has also spread to other countries (e.g. Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Tibet, etc.) spread out and it has become in every country with its own character of people and culture developed. The spread and development were perhaps somewhat similar to "Buddhism", which originally came from India, and spread in all Asian countries and developed differently in each country over a long period of time.
In Japan this is natural medicine Applied for at least 1200 years, and it has developed characteristically with Japanese culture, hard work and passion and the scrupulous study of many medical professionals of different times.
Original instruction,
different healing methods depending on the region, Problem and goal
A feature of this natural healing method is that it is originally depending on the problem and goal There were different types of therapy and instruments, but today in modern times only a few types of acupuncture are known and used worldwide.
According to the greatest classical work "The Yellow Emperor" (黄帝 内 経 - 素 問 第十二 篇 異 法 方 宜 論), which is read in Asia as a textbook of natural medicine, there were roughly 5 different ways of therapy for every Region where there was a different climate, a different landscape, and a different human life in ancient times. It is roughly described as follows: "In the east, near the sea, coastal region, a lot of seafood is eaten, but the high amount of sea salt in the body causes poor blood circulation and swelling, and stone needles are used against it. In the west, mountain region, a lot of meat is eaten, and There are many diseases of the internal organs, but herbal therapy is used for internal absorption. In the north, field region, it is cold, and against cold and to support the yan energy, moxibustion, heat and light are used burnt herbs, used. In the south, warmer region, the humidity has a bad influence on the meridians (life energy circulation) and causes a lot of pain, whereas acupuncture is used for better circulation used. In the middle, fertile region, you can go without much effort eat many different foods, however with this one often has a bad circulation of the life force, and Qi-gon is used against it. "
The different healing methods were all developed and used, based on the same natural medicine theory.
Originally, the healing method (and instruments) was chosen and used in ancient times depending on the region, problem type and goal of treatment.
Technology changes people's lives
with advantages, but also with disadvantages.
It is natural It is well known that our human life has changed very rapidly and rapidly with the development of technology over the past centuries. Many inventions, e.g. electricity, cars, airplanes, computers, cell phones, etc., have greatly enriched our lives and made them more comfortable, but the big change has brought us not only advantages but also disadvantages. Global climate change and pollution (of water, air and soil), irregular living, food Regardless of the season and region, excessive eating and drinking, jet lag from rush hour traffic, radioactive rays, electromagnetic waves, new infections, etc. - there are many new stressors in our time, and in fact we are suffering from more and more "modern symptoms and diseases".
Acupuncture and moxibustion are also being used worldwide to combat such problems used, but unfortunately the success is only sporadic. Many therapists struggle with difficulty in applying the ancient therapy to modern problems unchanged.
Ancient natural medicine,
but adapted to meet the needs of our time
We Kohki organizations have had our strength and time for more than 30 years, with the Masterpieces in the ancient China and also in Japan ※ and also with that today's great conventional medical knowledge, the adaptation of ancient natural medicine dedicated to meet the needs of our time. According to the Kohki method, it is possible to use the necessary techniques in every treatment as necessary. We can also avoid the risk of infection from invasive needle sticks or direct contact with burned herbs. The method of treatment is very soft and reliable, and it is possible to achieve stronger effects despite a mild stimulus.
We have for the sake of simplicity our method as the "Kohki method", and also our integrative one medical system from theory and practice as "Kohki medicine" for the distinction the patient referred to as the word "integrative medicine" is often used today, but in terms of content (theory and Practice) any integrative medical system very different depending on the doctor, Is a therapist, research group, or academic organization.
(※ Yellow Emperor, Dr Kin-itsu Ito, Dr Yoshio Manaka, Haruchika Noguchi, Shizuto Masunaga, Kurakichi Hirata, Makoto Yamashita)
Acupuncture and moxibustion originally have many different healing methods and instruments.
Photos (above) show the variants of moxibustion with and without Contact. Photo (below) shows invasive and also non-invasive Acupuncture needles from ancient times, as well as from the Middle Ages, modern times and our times.
Photo: by Makoto Yamashita
"鍼灸 治療 学 ~ 正 経 と 奇 経 の 運用 ~"