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Yosuke Ishii




After my illness (including depression) improved, I started to learn Kohki medicine.

I see it as my calling to help many people with Kohki medicine. I see my future task in promoting medical care in the third world with natural and preventive medicine. According to the WHO, only 20-35 percent of the world's population receive adequate conventional medical care, mainly in affluent countries. In addition, in the wealthy countries, complementary alternative medicine is being studied and applied in order to have more medical opportunities. In my opinion, it is precisely these alternatives that can open up great opportunities even in poorer countries, as complementary alternative medicine with great effects and low costs could help many more people.

-1979 born and raised in Tokyo / Japan

-Completed diploma in Politics and Economics at Waseda University

- Simultaneous four-year medical training at the "Kohki School Tokyo"

-Four years work as a manager at the "Kohki School Tokyo" as well as work as a therapist and teacher  (School medicine and traditional Asian medicine in theory and practice)

-Healing Practitioner Exam Preparation According to Dr. med. Volker Rupp


・ 2002 Diploma in Politics and Economics

・ 2005 Kohki Teacher Diploma

・ 2011 Kohki Master Diploma

・ 2013 Alternative Practitioner Permit ※


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※ Legal foundations of the naturopathic profession
Law on the professional practice of medicine without medical appointment (Heilpraktikergesetz)
From February 17, 1939 (RGBl. I p. 251), amended by Art. 53 of the EGStGB of March 2, 1974 (BGBl. I p. 469).
§ 1
(1) Anyone who wants to practice medicine without being a doctor requires permission.
(2) Practice of medicine within the meaning of the law is any professionally undertaken activity to identify, cure or alleviate illness, suffering or physical harm in people, even if it is carried out in the service of others.
(3) Anyone who has practiced medicine up to now professionally and wants to continue to practice it receives permission in accordance with the implementation provisions: he bears the professional title "alternative practitioner".


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